Terms and Conditions-Booking
Standard Reservation Conditions :
1. Rates are subject to change without notice. Rates quoted are valid for 24 hours only.
2. If more than one discount is available, only one of your choice may be used per booking.
3. There is a Minimum Total Reservation Value of 1 nights stay, Excl VAT.
4. A deposit of 50% (fifty per cent) of the Total Reservation Value, or one nights stay, whichever is the greater, is required to secure the booking.
5. A booking is only confirmed once we have received the signed reservation conditions together with an order number, voucher, credit card authorisation or full payment.
6. Payment can be made either by credit card or by a direct bank deposit or cash.
7. Outstanding balance is to be settled on arrival.
Do you accept these terms and conditions?
I Accept I Do Not Accept
While every reasonable precaution has been taken to ensure the safety of our guests and their possessions, the owner or agents of Cherry Tree Cottage Bed and Breakfast accommodation in Linden will not be held responsible for any damage, loss or injury sustained by whatever cause.
I the undersigned agree to and accept the above conditions.
Signature : ________________________ Date : ___________